I'm bust to setup a mail nothification system by using DatabaseMail.
The setup of the database mail was ok. I'm able to send a test mail.
After that I modified the SQLAgent's Alert system. I enabled the mail profile and as Mailsystem i choosed Database Mail with the mail profile the one I created in during the database mail setup.
No I like to use this when a job fails or an alert is fired. So I created an operator.
Give it the name SQLMAil and e-mailname
- first try a normal e-mail address vname.name@.provider.be
- second try the database mail profilename (SQLMAIL)
I created also an alert theat make use of this operator.
When the alert fires, it doesn't send a mail because of a failure.
We have always the following message in SQL Agent log:
Log SQL Agent (Current - 30/11/2005 09:35:00)
[264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established
What did I do wrong. Can someone help me?
If you see this on 32 bit platform then this is different. I can follow up to figure what could be the reason.
Gops Dwarak|||It is an HP 585 system with 2 dual core AMD opteron CPU's running with W2003 X64 version. SQL2005 for X64 bit system has been installed.
Ludo Bernaerts|||You see this on 64 bit platform. We have tracking bug for this and is expected to be addressed in next service pack.
For now the workaround is to use Agent Mail.
Gops Dwarak|||When will this bug-fix be available?
Agentmail is possible but can we install a small Exchange client on X64 bit servers like we did on 32 bit servers with Exchange client 5.0.|||
There is a workaround to use DBMail for notifications, till the next Service pack that address this bug. On Alert, trigger a job and the job step calling sp_notify_operator should help.
Gops Dwarak
|||I'm having the exact same problem on 32bit system the sql instance is running on a Virtual Server with sql agent on a a svc account and smtphost configured with Outlook Express on same svc account session and test works and test mail from OE works with apllication warned unflagged.