Sunday, February 26, 2012

Databases in Remote Servers


This is my first post, and i am looking for help about Databases in remote servers.

This is my problem:

1) I have a free account in "HostBasket", with 50 mb of space, and 10 mb of SQL Server... with ASP.NET 2 support -->

2) They gave me this info for the database:

Your SQL Server:
Your database name: myDatabaseName
Your loginfor the database: myLogin
Your passwordfor the database: myPassword

Connectionstring for ASP.NET (using ADO.NET with System.Data.SqlClientnamespace):

Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myLogin;Password=myPassword;Initial Catalog=MyDatabaseName;Data

3) Actually, i don't know what to do with that info... I mean, i have read so much info, and all people saying "their way" to do things... oh, I am so confused...

4) I read in a website, this: "the database can be uploaded as a FILE saved in the App_Data folder, under the .mdf extension"

I read that from :

5) In the url given above, there is a "step by step" example... i follow it, exactly (i start a website, i create the database and the table, i show the data with the grids, etc )

6) All is OK until here, i mean, when i run the website with VWD, it shows me the info OK.

7) But... ?How can i do this works on the Remote Server i described in 1) and 2) ?

I know how to upload my website, in fact i uploaded a very basic one, and all was OK, but when i work with databases starts my problem...

So, i am almost sure, that i have an error in the "Conecction String"...

connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MiBaseDeDatos.mdf;
Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"

?How should it be, to work with my free remote server?


if you have done the "easy way" of uploading the .MDF file in the server (but a server different of mine) please, tell me the "how to..." (and the server you used :p )


Ok guys, i am a Chilean young (i dont speak english very well) and i tried to write my ideas in an easy way, so I REALLY HOPE you can help me.

I am a New (very new) on this (vwd , .net , ) in fact, i am using this just 3 days ago...


La Serena, Chile.

Do you know which version of the SQL server hostbasket is using?

1> I am not sure whether you can connect to the datbase and sql server ( during your development. So you still can use what you are using for your development.

2> But when you upload your site to hostbasket, you want your site use the database/sqlserver they have provided you rather than you data file.

To take advantage of the database/sql server that is provided you, here are something you need to do:

1> define two connection strings in you web.config file and give them the same name, e.x.:



<!-- Dev-->

<addname="myDB"connectionString="Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Database=MyDataBase"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

<!-- Prod-->


<add name="myDB" connectionString="Data; UID=myLogin; PWD=mypassword; Initial Catalog=mydatabase;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>




In this example, I have defined two database connection strings with the same name. One is for development environment, and the other one is for production. When I move the website to the production, I will comment out the DEV string and uncomment the PROD string.

2> Then in the code, whenever I need to reference my connection string, I will simply read it out from the web.config:

stringconnStr =ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myDB"].ConnectionString;

3> When you move your web site to the production(, you also need to move what ever you have done in your database to the production (your database on

This should make your web site runs smoothly in the production.

Hope this helps. If you have any confusions, please let me know.

|||Hello chunshahab,thank you SO MUCH for the reply :)

I have understood all what you say, but i have some questions still...

let's start:

- According what i understood you, i have "two ways" for working with databases:
a) Uploading the .MDF database created on App_Data folder
b) UPDATING the database that they GAVE ME (

I want to use any way (the first that works OK, hehehe...)

- I understood what you said about the two connection strings, thanks for the tip ;)

- QUESTION: you said i have to move my website to the production (, and that i have to move what ever i did in my local databaseTO the production (my database on ...BUT How can i do that ??

Because there is no option like "upload your database" in the control panel of my hostbasket account...

- I read somewhere that i need a "sql client" and i tried SquirreL but i actually don't understand it... so the database on the server is still empty ^^U

So, please, tell me how to "update" the database they gave me (

Thank you so much, really...


Postdata: i don't know what version of SQL server they have... they just promote this" 2.0Beta 2"

Postdata 2: I am working with VWD Express 2005


Yes. You need a SQL Client to connect to your database server and update your database.

You can download a free version ofSQL Server Management StudioExpress ( and use it to connect to your database server.

I know you can use it to connect to any edition of SQL Sever 2005. I have not tried to see whether it can connect to SQL Server 2000 or earlier. Check with hostbasket and ask them which version of SQL serve rthey are using.

Once you can connect to your database, they you can run the scripts to generate the tables, stored procedures which you have created with your database file.

|||Thanks again,

I am downloading the 40 MBs right now...

I have a new Question:

- I have created my table with Visual Web Designer (yep, while i am developing the web site) ...

?there is a way to create automatically the script, according the changes i have made in my database? ( i hope you understand what i said... my english is not so good)

--> I mean, if i created the database and the tables in a "using mouse way", and then create the script automatically without i have to be writting "create table, insert xxx, etc"


Thanks for All your help , now i can access the database on the remote server, see the info, edit it, etc.



Glad everything worked out for you. What is version of hostbasket's SQL server? Can you use the SQL Server Management Studio connect to it?

Have a great week.


sorry i missed this post ^^U

I don't know about the version of SQL server in hostbasket, but it works 100% ok with me (using .net 2.0 )

And i connected to the database on hostbasket through SQL Server Management Studio, and all was 100% OK.

Thanks again,
