I tried an Eval but it obviously didnt't work. The data source has a Selectcommand with ID that I thought I could use in the insertitem, but i guess not.
<asp:FormView ID="FormView2" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server">
Test<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="abc" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ID") %>' />
How can I do this?
first try Bind instead of Eval in this case. If it's really a default value that you don't want the clients to see it's better to use theInserting eventhandler of the SqlDataSource control.
Grz, Kris.
|||Actually what I want in this case is to have a default value (like PREFIX in this case) + a databind. I could do it in codebind with .select() and assign find the value from the database and assign "thisIDtextbox" that value"
however, since I've already used the value in the ItemTemplate I thought maybe there is a way to just apply that value in a simple way.
As I said, now I do a sqldatasource.select() procedure and find the value to assign the textbox with. Can I do this in a better way??
<asp:LabelID="ReceiverIDLabel"runat="server"Text='<%# Bind("ThisID") %>'></asp:Label><br/></ItemTemplate><InsertItemTemplate>
<asp:TextBoxID="ThisIDTextBox"runat="server"Text='PREFIX<%# Bind("ThisID") %>'></asp:TextBox><br/><asp:LinkButtonID="InsertButton"runat="server"CausesValidation="True"CommandName="Insert"Text="Insert"/></InsertItemTemplate></asp:FormView>
<asp:SqlDataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"runat="server"ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:database %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [ThisID] FROM [db1]"/>