Friday, February 24, 2012

DatabaseName is blank in Trace

I am using SQL 2000.
I am taking trace and execute an sp_trace_setevent for all
the events I want to record. One of the fields I want is
the DatabaseName, so I execute:
exec sp_trace_setevent @.TraceID, 10, 35,1
When I view the trace, I get all the column names (server,
DBID, DatabaseName, etc.). There is data in all the
columns except the DatabaseName field is blank.
I know I can work around this by doing a join with the
DBID and Sysdatabases, but I find it strange that the
DatabaseName field is blank.
Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks.It's not unusual - the names for DatabaseName (as well as
ObjectName) can't always be obtained as they aren't
available for every event. Use DatabaseID instead.
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 08:17:47 -0700, "dschrier"
<> wrote:
>I am using SQL 2000.
>I am taking trace and execute an sp_trace_setevent for all
>the events I want to record. One of the fields I want is
>the DatabaseName, so I execute:
>exec sp_trace_setevent @.TraceID, 10, 35,1
>When I view the trace, I get all the column names (server,
>DBID, DatabaseName, etc.). There is data in all the
>columns except the DatabaseName field is blank.
>I know I can work around this by doing a join with the
>DBID and Sysdatabases, but I find it strange that the
>DatabaseName field is blank.
>Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone have any ideas?