Friday, February 24, 2012


Hi i am trying to connect two databases together in sql server 2000, how would i go about doing this, as i would like two tables form different databases reading information to carry outs statements

Cheers if anyone can help


Originally Posted by Taftheman

Hi i am trying to connect two databases together in sql server 2000, how would i go about doing this, as i would like two tables form different databases reading information to carry outs statements

Cheers if anyone can help

I would imagine you would need to use a JOIN. Is this for a query, stored procedure or is a scripting language (ASP) used for web?|||


Originally Posted by Taftheman

Hi i am trying to connect two databases together in sql server 2000, how would i go about doing this, as i would like two tables form different databases reading information to carry outs statements

Cheers if anyone can help

Ycan refer to the full name of the table using the database name to start:

From [databasename].[dbo].[tablename]