Friday, February 24, 2012

DatabaseMetadata methods with catalog parameters now error if current database does not match.

In the v1.2 CTP version, the DatabaseMetadata methods for getting information about objects in a database (i.e. getTables(), getColumns(), ...) errors if your current database connection is in a different database than the object you are quering.

Is this the intended behavior going forward?

In my case I have access to both database A and database B. My current connection is in database A , but I am looking up object in database B.

ResultSet rs = conn.getDatabaseMetadata.getTables("B","dbo","%",{"TABLES" });

[junit] The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database.
[junit] The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of
the current database.
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~Mike Hale

Hi Michael,

Do you have a standalone application that will reproduce this problem? If not, allow me some time to author one and investigate.


Jaaved Mohammed


I see that there is a bug filed for this issue via Microsoft Connect:

We will investigate and prioritize accordingly.


I am not sure you can do this. This implying that you can access tables from database B when you are connected to database A.

This would imply that your connection can be re-directed to another database. My understanding of how this works is that a connection is to a single (one and only one) SQL database.

If this is possible then I would also expect to be able to joins across databases, which I believe is not possible.

|||Michael, did MS ever tell you when this would be released? I'm having the same problem and would like to get the fix in.


Thank you for evaluating the v1.2 CTP and providing feedback.

As Jaaved said earlier, a bug was filed to address this issue. It has since been fixed in internal builds. The next public CTP of the driver, targeted for release later this summer, should contain the fix.

--David Olix [MSFT]


I'm getting the same problem but directly from SQL Server 2005 (SP2)...

In Mangement Studio I'm connected to 'Database_A'

I execute the following SQL:

exec sp_columns
, 'dbo'
, 'Database_B'

SQL Server returns:

Msg 15250, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_columns, Line 24
The database name component of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database.

What the point in providing a database parameter to choose a database if it can only be set to the current database of the connection?

My version is:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86) Apr 14 2006 01:12:25 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)


I eneded up doing the following as a work around:

exec [Database_B].dbo.sp_columns


but this isn't ideal as "Database_B" is provided as a parameter to the stored procedure that's executing this code so I have to build some dynamic sql on the fly to execute the statement.

I have no problems with sp_columns_ex when using linked servers so it seems crazy to me that sp_columns doesn't work in the same manner when not linking servers (e.g. "Database_A" and "Database_B" are on the same server)