Sunday, February 26, 2012

Databases missing from Backup Task of Maintenance Plan

I'm moving databases from SQL7 to another server with SQL2005.

I have created new databases in SQL2005 via a restore from backup files created in the old server. Now I want to back up these new databases but they don't show in the Backup Task of a new or existing Maintenance Plan in Management Studio. I can backup them manually though. Any ideas?

I assume you have restored this database to a local 2005 server. If this is the case, they should show up. Maintenance plans can not make connections to SQL 7. Can you see this database via Management Studio?|||


Yes, that's correct. I restored the databases to another server running SQL2005. None of the databases show up in any task of Management Studio's Maintenance Plans (eg Backup, Shrink, ReOrg)



Found the problem - the compatibility level was set to SQL Server 7.0 by default ( under database properties->options). As soon as I changed the compatiblity level to SQL Server 2000, the databases showed up in the Maintenance Plan tasks.

Thank you for your responses.