Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Datasource cannot be found after report redeployment

We have an application using the winforms report viewer, and it displays all our reports perfectly untill I need to redeploy a report.

As soon as a report is re-deployed a refresh of the report in the viewer shows the following error message:

An error has occured during report processing. The data souce 'mydatasource' cannot be found.

This error occurs irrespective of electing to re-deploy ot not re-deploy the datasource, and the only solution seems to be to close the report viewer down and restart it.

I can reproduce the same problem hosting the reports in a web browser as well, with a slightly different error message

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted). The data source 'mydatasource' cannot be found. (rsDataSourceNotFound)

Under RS2000 any changes that were made to a report, would automatically be shown to the user if the report was refreshed, without having to close the browser/application down and restart it.

Can I configure RS2005 to prevent this error occuring ? I have read that RS2005 seems to work a lot more within the IIS session for the user and cache things it thinks are usefull, so can I turn this behaviour off, or make it run like RS 2000 did, which provided me with a stable reporting platform?

If I cannot do this from the RS end of the system, is there any advice on using the winforms control to get around this issue - i've only just started using the control so I am not familiar with all its aspects !



Hi Andy, did you ever resolve this? (I'm experiencing the same problem)

