Sunday, March 25, 2012


How can I synchronize a table inside a list if both have different
I need to synchronize the table by the list details grouping expression. If
I use the table filter, the table fieldID is always aggregated when inside
a list with a different datasource and it results in error.
if I add a field to a table from another datasource it is always in the form
Sum(Fields!Field.Value, "datasource")
which is the total sum of the values of the datasource even though the
datasource is grouped on the same field the table is grouped
how can I break this aggregate by the same field the table is grouped so
that I did not get the always the same total sum of all the values of that
aditional datasource in all rows of the table?
Thank you in advance
Martin Suchy
CBSolutionsWithin a data region you cannot use more than one dataset. You have to write
a single query that supplies data to the list and to the table. In most
cases, this involves a JOIN SQL query.
Charles Kangai, MCT, MCDBA
"Martin" wrote:
> How can I synchronize a table inside a list if both have different
> datasources?
> I need to synchronize the table by the list details grouping expression. If
> I use the table filter, the table fieldID is always aggregated when inside
> a list with a different datasource and it results in error.
> and
> if I add a field to a table from another datasource it is always in the form
> Sum(Fields!Field.Value, "datasource")
> which is the total sum of the values of the datasource even though the
> datasource is grouped on the same field the table is grouped
> how can I break this aggregate by the same field the table is grouped so
> that I did not get the always the same total sum of all the values of that
> aditional datasource in all rows of the table?
> Thank you in advance
> Martin Suchy
> CBSolutions