Thursday, March 29, 2012


does any know how sqlserver 2000 'text' datatype is mapped in sqlserver JDBC driver? where can i find documentation of for data mapping between sqlserver datatypes and jdbc datatypes?
neo wrote:

> does any know how sqlserver 2000 'text' datatype is mapped in sqlserver JDBC driver? where can i find documentation of for data mapping between sqlserver datatypes and jdbc datatypes?
Hi. The simple test would be to query a text column and do a getObject() and see
what sort of object you got. However, it is simple just to tell the driver what
sort of object you want, by doing a getString() if you want a string, getAsciiStream()
if you want a stream, etc.
Joe Weinstein at BEA
|||The document from "SQLServer 2000 driver for JDBC User's Guide and
Reference" - 3 SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC - Data Types have this
"neo" <> bl g...
> does any know how sqlserver 2000 'text' datatype is mapped in sqlserver
JDBC driver? where can i find documentation of for data mapping between
sqlserver datatypes and jdbc datatypes?