I have a table referring to a dataset called ds1 . I have txtbx1,2,3 in
the table.
all text boxes are now referred to different ds1 columns. I created
another Dataset called DS2 (becuase of business needs). Now I wanted
one Text box txtbx1 refer to ds2 column and the txtbx2 refer to DS1
column although the whole table is under DS1 (under which these
txtboxes are) - when I do that the txtbx1 and ds2 column gets repeated.
Please let me know the best way to accomplish this.
Also wanted to see if we can do some logical conditions in the txt
Anyyy Help would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!!!
Try like this. e.g.
=(Fields!emp.Value, "DS2")
"Sen" wrote:
> I have a table referring to a dataset called ds1 . I have txtbx1,2,3 in
> the table.
> all text boxes are now referred to different ds1 columns. I created
> another Dataset called DS2 (becuase of business needs). Now I wanted
> one Text box txtbx1 refer to ds2 column and the txtbx2 refer to DS1
> column although the whole table is under DS1 (under which these
> txtboxes are) - when I do that the txtbx1 and ds2 column gets repeated.
> Please let me know the best way to accomplish this.
> Also wanted to see if we can do some logical conditions in the txt
> boxes.
> Anyyy Help would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!!!
> Thanks
>|||When I do that the Fields!emp.Value gets repeated - just because the
coverig table dataset area is DS1.